Why We Help

The simple answer is;

because its the right thing to do,


because no one else is.

On Financial Advice 

We believe that the fundamental principle of financial planning is taking care of the clients who put their trust and hard earned money in the hands of their advisers.

We believe that in all cases clients are entitled to protection from the loss of their funds due to deliberately poor or misleading advice provided to them.

On Client Circumstances 

We believe that the stress of losing their money and the betrayal of their advisers can be incredibly upsetting.

We know that the process of filing a complaint can be hard when other circumstances like a massive loss of funds are impacting lives. The steps and requirements can be confusing and sometimes a helping hand makes all the difference.

“We aim to level the playing field between victims and financial service providers by providing you with the necessary assistance to ensure your complaint is dealt with fairly.”

- Neil Kendall OAM, Managing Director

On the Financial Services Industry 

We believe most financial advisers work hard and do a good job for their clients. 

We acknowledge that there are ongoing instances of wilfully poor financial advice that erode confidence and faith in the financial services industry.

We believe that these clients placed their trust in our profession and its practitioners, and were mistreated. So in return we will attempt to right the wrong that has been done to them, through the processes available.