Financial Rescue News
We aim to inform every day Australians of financial industry issues that are occurring around the country. We hope that by providing information, people can either avoid these scams, or can be compensated for their losses. If you have experienced financial losses due to bad financial advice, or any of the situations that are in our news articles below, we are here to help.
Former Sydney planner, Ross Hopkins, sentenced to six years
Killara financial planner and the sole director of QWL, Ross Hopkins, has been sentenced by the District Court of New South Wales to a maximum period of six years’ imprisonment after having been convicted of 15 dishonesty offences under the Corporations Act.
ASIC issues civil penalty action against company formerly called Equiti Financial Services
Equiti FS breached the Corporations Act when its employed advisers gave financial advice on 12 occasions that was not in their clients’ best interests and was not appropriate for their clients.
Each advice contained a recommendation to establish an SMSF, purchase a property through the SMSF and borrow funds in order to do so.
Former Australian Unity financial advisor, Christopher Chan, banned for five years
Financial advisers must not engage in misleading conduct in connection with financial products or services. Financial advisers must also prioritise their clients’ interests when providing personal advice. ASIC may ban an adviser if they lack the necessary competence to provide financial services.
Former Victorian financial adviser, Ahmed Saad, pleads guilty to obtaining financial advantage by deception
Between 11 November 2016 and 13 October 2017, Mr Saad obtained $1,531,925 from Nulis on behalf of 168 clients. Between 11 August 2017 and 11 October 2017, Mr Saad attempted to obtain a further $92,400 on behalf of 10 clients.
ASIC reaps ‘largest ever’ penalties amid litigation blitz
ASIC said that its “increased resourcing” had allowed it to drive a 36 per cent increase in the number of criminal proceedings and a 64 per cent increase in civil penalty proceedings commenced since 2018.
ASIC permanently bans Melbourne adviser - Nizi Bhandari- and cancels AFS licence of The Australian Dealer Group Pty Ltd
ASIC found that Mr Nizi Bhandari acted dishonestly while assisting consumers to find and consolidate their superannuation and obtain hardship payments. This included instances where Mr Bhandari told consumers to make false statements to their superannuation fund trustees in order to gain early access to their superannuation balances.
Former NSW financial adviser, Ezzat-Daniel Nesseim, charged with dishonest conduct and fabricating evidence
Former financial adviser, Mr Ezzat-Daniel Nesseim, of Gordon NSW, has been charged with sixteen offences, including dishonest conduct, fabricating evidence and providing false information to ASIC.
Super scammer, Daniel McSweeny permanently banned
ASIC has permanently banned a former financial adviser, Daniel McSweeny, after he was previously banned for five years. Daniel McSweeny was charged with 20 dishonesty offences in 2018, as well as one offence for falsifying books as a company director.
ASIC update: Compensation for financial advice related misconduct as at 31 Dec 2020
There are still hundreds of thousands of people yet to receive compensation for the fees for no service misconduct by Australia’s biggest banks. If you are one of these people, get in touch with us. We are here to assist you in the complicated process of receiving your compensation.
ASIC slaps 7-year ban on financial adviser, Timothy Shapter.
The review found that Timothy Shapter provided inappropriate switching advice by recommending that clients switch out of their existing superannuation and insurance products, and into higher fee-paying products.
AMP fined $5m for allowing financial advisers to rip off clients
A federal court judge has blasted troubled financial services group AMP for allowing its commission-hungry financial advisers to systematically rip off clients, ridiculing the company’s defence that there was just one “bad apple” and fining it $5.175m.
ASIC bans former Sydney adviser Jim Pavlidis for three years
Sydney-based financial adviser Jim Pavlidis failed to provide financial advice that was in the best interests of his clients and to keep proper records. Mr Pavlidis failed to consider the relevant circumstances of each client and left client objectives unaddressed.