Investment Scams
So far in 2021, there have been over 20,000 reports of scams throughout Australia, with almost $23 million in losses. These numbers are shocking, considering we are only half way through the year.
Every year, thousands of people fall victim to scams, and unfortunately many lose their life savings. In light of this, we are releasing an Investment Scam blog series. Every week, we will be publishing a new blog, aiming to provide Australian’s with the information and resources they need, to know what to look out for, and know how to deal with a scam.
Investment scams come in many forms, and the people doing the scamming have had years of experience to work out the smartest ways to steal your money. The below 2021 statistics from Scamwatch, gives great insight into how everyday Australian’s are being targeted. Follow along on our Scam Series, as we discuss these scams to learn more.